How to cancel a scheduled NatWest Bankline payment/batch payment

How to navigate your NatWest Bankline account and cancel any scheduled payment/s

Cancel a scheduled payment

If the payment has the status 'Awaiting second authorisation', 'Awaiting release' or 'Future dated', you’ll need a payment authoriser to clear the authorisation by selecting 'Clear authorisation' before you're able to cancel it. Please note that you can cancel the payment up until the day before the payment is due to be sent (the credit date) but not if the payment status is ‘Processing'.


If you've got the right privilege you can cancel a payment in the above statuses by following these steps:


  1. Find the payment in your 'Payment summary'
  2. If you're viewing the payment in a list, you can tick the box to the left of the payment(s) to select, (this can be useful if you want to cancel multiple payments). Or you can select the payment reference to display the full details for that payment
  3. When viewing either the list of payments or the full payment details, you should see a 'Cancel' option at the bottom of the list or page
  4. Once you've selected to cancel the payment, follow the subsequent pages to complete. You may need to use your smartcard and reader to authorise the cancellation of the payment, depending on its status.