How to cancel your Crezco plan

Step-by-step on how to cancel or downgrade your current Crezco plan.

1. Log into your Crezco profile and click Settings on the left hand side of the page

2. Select the Organisation tab from the drop down menu

3. At the top of the organisation page, you will see the option to Manage Billing
Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 17.40.28

4. On the following page, you will then be able to select to Cancel your subscription

5. Once you have selected to cancel the plan, click Continue


Please note the following


1. You must cancel or downgrade your plan at least 48 business hours before the payment date, otherwise you will still be charged


2. If you cancel or downgrade your plan during the free trial, you will lose access to those feature after the free trail, 30 days, and will not be charged.