How to create a contact in Crezco

Step-by-step process on how to manually create a contact profile in Crezco for accounts payable.

  1. Once logged into your Crezco dashboard page, click on the 'Accounts Payable' tab on the left hand side of your page

  2. At the top of the page, click on the 'Contacts' tab

  3. On the right-hand side of the page, select the button to 'Add new contact'

  4. There you will need to fill out the following details regarding their bank account:
    1. Bank account country
    2. Currency in which you want to pay them in
    3. Name of the account displayed on the contact's bank statements
    4. Sort code (this will vary based on the country/currency you are wanting to pay this contact in)
      1. I.E. - A USA based customer contact will ask for ACH ABA Code
    5. Account number (this will vary based on the country/currency you are wanting to pay this contact in)

  5. You will need to enter their contact details which include the following
    1. Contact name in which they prefer
    2. Email to send remittance emails to them

  6. Select the green button 'Create contact'

  7. You will be redirected to the contacts page, where you will now be able to see the new contact you created.