How to export from MoneySoft

Step-by-step process on how to export for MoneySoft and import it into Crezco


Before getting started, please ensure Employees are under BACS for payment type


  1. Navigate to the pay tab
  2. Then go to payments
  3. Select the BACS payments file option
  4. Under the file layout, choose General
  5. Then select click here to create this file. You have now exported your .txt successfully!


  1. Log into your Crezco account, and navigate to the 'Accounts Payables' tab on the left hand side of your page

  2. Next, click 'Import Payments' on the right-hand side of the page

  3. There you will be able to upload your recently exported .txt file. Please make sure to select the CSV type you exported, which would be MoneySoft and then click 'Confirm'.

  4. You will then be taken to the next page where you can review the uploaded information. From here, you can then select the bills/payslips you would like to import into Crezco

  5. If everything on the import looks correct, the bills/payroll will now show up in the 'Payables' tab of the 'Accounts Payable' section, ready to be processed!

If you have any issues with the .txt import, please check out our help centre article - CSV import failed