How to import your Xero bills into Crezco

Step by step process on how to import your Xero bills into Crezco using the integration

Best practices:

  • Make sure the bills you wish to import are marked as Awaiting payment in Xero
  • Contact details should completely filled out (address, account number, sort code, etc.)
  • No hash signs or brackets in the contact name or reference
  • Disconnect your Xero account from Crezco and then reconnect to accept new integration permissions
  • Crezco only pulls bills up to the last 365 days


1. Click on the 'Accounts Payable' tab on the left hand side of your dashboard


2. Once in the accounts payable tab, select the 'Import Payments' button in the top right hand corner of the screen


3. In the bottom right hand side of the screen, you will see the button 'Import Xero bills to Pay'


4. Crezco will then import all bills that are listed under the Awaiting Payment category in your Xero bills section up to the last 365 days


5. Review the imported information and select which bills you are wanting to import into Crezco


6. Once you have confirmed the import, you will see the bills that you have been able to successfully import


7. You will then be able to see those bills show up on the 'Payables' tab within the 'Accounts Payable' section, ready to be processed in a pay run. If you're not sure how to create a pay run, please refer to this guide.