This article covers creating and using Crezco payment links, checking payment statuses, deleting links, managing expirations, and fixing link failures.
On this page
Creating a payment link | Paying via mobile or desktop | Domestic payment status |
International payment status | Deleting links | Link expiration |
Link failures |
Creating a payment link
1. Click on the Accounts Receivables section on the left hand side of the page and then select the Payment Links tab at the top of the page.
2. Click the 'Create Payment Link' button in the top right corner of your screen.
3. Choose the type of payment link you wish to create, in this case, 'Single'.
4. Choose which account you wish to receive the money into.
5. Enter the amount and the reference. The toggles are set to fixed by default, giving you control of the amount and reference, but if you'd like the payer to choose then you can slide the toggles to the left.
6. Click 'Next Step' and choose which link type you wish to create
Single use: Once the payer has submitted the invoice, the link cannot be used again
- Multiple use: This payment link can be used by multiple different people and never expires
- Please note that you will need upgrade to the Collect Plus plan in order to gain access to the multiple use payment link. To see more information please go to this help centre article.
- Please note that you will need upgrade to the Collect Plus plan in order to gain access to the multiple use payment link. To see more information please go to this help centre article.
7. Finally, click on the 'Create payment link' button.
8. All done! Once you have created the payment link you will see a summary of the information embedded within it. You can now share/copy the link and or QR code to receive payment.
Paying via mobile or desktop
Crezco allows you or your customers to pay through your desktop or directly on your mobile device.
- Click on the payment link which will take you to the payment page. Review that the details are correct and click 'Confirm'.
2. Select which bank you wish to pay from in the list provided.
You can continue to pay via browser by clicking on 'Log in from desktop instead' or scan the QR with your phone to be redirected to your mobile app

4. You will be redirected to your bank page to authorise the payment. Each bank has a different authorisation process. Follow the steps until you reach the confirm authorisation page.
5. The bank will confirm that the payment will be processed instantly.
6. You have now successfully paid through Crezco! If you wish for a receipt please enter your email address and we will send a confirmation instantly.
Domestic payment status
This means that the payment has been processed and you should have received the funds in your bank account.
A payment could fail for a number of different reasons:
- The invoice could be denied due to being cancelled by the company that raised it
- The customer entered incorrect bank information
- The payer might not have enough money currently in their account
- A payment timed out, meaning the customer clicked on the link but did not complete the payment.
- Customers have a 7-minute time frame, so if they exceed the 7 minutes, it will time out
- The payer may have closed the tab or navigated away from the payments page
There may be an issue with your bank or the payment link. Please reach out to our support team at and we can help pinpoint where the issue came from.
International payment status
When you make a payment internationally through Crezco, you can see the status of your payment and what stage the payment is at.
After you have paid through a Crezco payment link involving a currency conversion, you will receive an email from Crezco containing a link to view the payment status page.
Once you click on that link, you will be taken to the payment status page, as shown in the image below:
On the payment status page you will see:
- The payment reference
- The bank account details of the account you are paying into
- The status of the payment
You can also copy this shareable like by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions at all about the above or anything else involving international payments and how they work, please contact us on
Deleting links
1. Log into your Crezco account and navigate to the Accounts Receivables tab on the left hand side
2. Find the payment link that you need to delete and click on the 3 dots stacked side by side on the right hand
- Payment links that have a 0/1 under the payments column means that a payment has not been processed
Example -
3. You will then see the option to Delete the payment link
4. If you wish to proceed in deleting the payment link, confirm to Delete
Link expiration
Issue: Expired Payment Link
If you encounter an error indicating that a payment link has expired, please follow the appropriate steps below.
For Customers:
If you receive a notification that your payment link has expired, please contact the company that issued the invoice. They will need to generate and provide you with a new payment link.
For Companies:
Payment links for standing orders expire if they are not set up at least two business days before the initial payment date, as required by the banks.
If a customer receives an error due to an expired payment link, you will need to create a new payment link with an updated debit date.
Important Reminder:
When setting the first payment date, we recommend allowing a minimum of five business days before the initial payment. This ensures the customer has enough time to set up the standing order with their bank.
Link failures
If your payment was denied or failed, it could be due to one of several reasons. Here are some common issues and what you can do about them:
Expired Payment Link/QR Code: The payment link or QR code you are using is no longer valid. Please request a new one from the person/company that sent you the invoice/payment link.
Bank Unavailability: Your bank might be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance or outages. Please try again later or contact your bank for more information.
Cancelled Payment Request: The payee may have cancelled the payment request or did not complete the payment request within the 7 minute time window that is provided to verify payments
Bank Account Restrictions: Your bank might have placed restrictions on your account. Contact your bank to resolve any restrictions.
Insufficient Funds: There might not be enough money in your account to complete the payment. Check your account balance and ensure you have sufficient funds.
Incorrect Bank Information: Double-check that all bank account details were entered correctly. Incorrect information can cause payments to fail.
Fraud Protection: Our advanced fraud protection system, Sentinel, may have detected an issue and blocked the payment. This is for your security, but you can contact us to investigate and resolve the issue.
Blocked Crezco Account: Your Crezco account might be blocked. Contact us for assistance in unblocking your account.
Need Help?
If your payment was not successful and you're unsure why, please contact our customer support team. We're here to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible.